Sean O'Sullivan

Sean O'Sullivan

New Jersey, USA

Finance, Technology

Sean O'Sullivan is the Managing Director of SOSventures. Sean brought street mapping to personal computers and co-created the term “cloud computing”. As an investor, Sean has backed over 100 companies, ten of which have already become public companies (or divisions of public companies). As an entrepreneur, he formed his first company (MapInfo) on graduation from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1985 with a degree in electrical engineering. MapInfo became a $200 million public company with over 1,000 employees worldwide. He founded JumpStart International, a leading humanitarian engineering group, which employed 3,500 people throughout Iraq during the post-war period of 2003-2006. An advocate of STEM education, he has been a primary backer of organizations such as Khan Academy and CoderDojo. Sean contributed $300,000 to the US-Ireland Alliance to fund the class of 2015 Mitchell Scholars.